
New Year's holiday opening hours

Thank you for using Hama Wine this year. We hope you will continue to use Hama Wine next year. We will be open from 11am to 7pm on Sunday, December 29th. We will be open from 11am to 6pm on Saturday, January 4th. Regarding use during the New Year holidays, some services are available as below. ◯ Sogo Yokohama store B2F Liquor section <Full bottle> tel: 045-465-2111 Yokohama Takashimaya 7F Yokohama Goods Yokohama 001 Corner <Full & Half> tel: 045-311-5111 ◯ Red Brick Warehouse No. 1 Depot <Half Bottle> tel: 045-650-8208 ◯ Red Brick Warehouse No. 2 Nippon Department Store <Half Bottle> tel: 045-650-8208 ◯ Yokohama Kimishimaya Yokohama store <full> tel:045-251-2668 World Wine Shop Budoya Kannai Store <Full & Half> tel: 045-319-4332 ◯ Hankyu Tsuzuki Store <Full Bottle> tel: 045-914-1111 ◯ Shonan Wine Cellar tel: 0467-23-9384 Kamonomiya Kanoya Shoten tel: 0465-47-2826 ◯ Hakone Yuya Shugakudo Ijima ShotenTel : 0460-85-5328 ◯ Nishiazabu Japanese Wine Shop Osakura <Full> tel: 03-6427-5090 You can also order through our online shop, but shipping will start on January 4th of the new year. Please spend the New Year's holiday with a smile and a peaceful time.
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