6/15(土)&16(日) エフヨコ大感謝祭!!横浜グルメンタ2019に出店します

June 15th (Sat) & 16th (Sun) Fyoko Thanksgiving Festival!! We will be exhibiting at Yokohama Gurmenta 2019

We will be participating in the " Fyoko Thanksgiving Festival! Yokohama Gurumenta 2019" to be held at the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse on Saturday, June 15th and Sunday, June 16th, 2019. We will be setting up a food truck stall. Look for the Hama Wine flag. The main products for sale will be unreleased cider and cider curry made from the pomace left over from making cider. We are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day! Please liven up the venue and Hama Wine! https://www.fmyokohama.jp/gourmenta2019/
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